SB SPCL @ ARRL $ARLX011 ARLX011 HF beacon announced QST de W1AW Special Bulletin 11 ARLX011 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT June 2, 1993 To all radio amateurs A new beacon began operation May 13 from Cape Prince of Wales, Alaska (67N, 168W). Its call sign is NAF and it runs 100 watts to a 3-band fan dipole on the following schedule: 00 and 01 minutes after the hour on 5604 kHz; 20 and 21 minutes after the hour on 11004 kHz; and 40 and 41 minutes after the hour on 16804 kHz. Transmissions are narrowband CW and FSK. The beacon will be monitored by government facilities in Fairbanks, Alaska; Seattle, Washington; State College, Pennsylvania; and San Diego, California. The project's sponsor is the Naval Security Group Command in Washington, D.C. A government spokesman said the project is "purely scientific." The purpose of the project is described as to provide a "rigorous verification" of field strength models done by HF propagation prediction programs like IONCAP which are used, for example, to generate the predictions published each month in QST. Reception reports are encouraged and will be acknowledged with a colorful QSL card. Send them to Bob Rose, K6GKU, Code 54, NRaD Division, NCCOSC, 271 Catalina Blvd., San Diego CA 92152; or to Dr. Gus Lott, KR4K, Code GX, COMNAVSECGRU, 3801 Nebraska Ave NW, Washington DC 20393. Another beacon, from Rarotonga in the South Cook Islands, is scheduled to go on the air in the fall, on low VHF frequencies as well as the three NAF frequencies. /EX